Accruing Independent Supervision Hours During COVID-10

If you are currently accruing supervision hours as part of your path towards BCBA certification, your hours may look quite different than they have in the past, due to COVD-19.

Our team of supervisors have compiled ideas regarding unrestricted activities and video observations in light of the current situation.

Unrestricted Activities

Literature Review

Research and read a journal article and fill out the Article Summary Form


Data Analysis and Graphing

Complete the data analysis and graphing activity. Link to TA On Line Graphing and sample graphs.


Observation and Data Collection

Watch a video from youtube on a child that is engaging in behaviors that are interfering.  Develop a summary observation of that simulated observation and send it to the supervisor, along with the link to the video.  You can use this Observation Summary Report to complete the task.


Conducting Behavior Analytic Assessments and Developing Corresponding Plans

Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA), Behavior Intervention Plan, (BIP), and Functional Assessment (FA) development. Interview a parent and complete Dr. Greg Hanley’s Open Ended FAI Interview as part of an assessment.

Writing or Revising Client Programming 

Analyze data, update or create targets and programs, update or create curriculum libraries, update or create maintenance systems

Task Analysis for activities such as: Mand Training, Tact Training, Intraverbal Training, Preference Assessments


Staff and Parent Training

Create staff and parent training presentations and materials


Task List Content

Task List Template: Find a related article, make a video, list exemplars and non-exemplars.


Note: If you haven’t completed the Pre-Assessment you can do this and send to your supervisor.  This will assist the team in guiding you on specific skills to target during your training.

Video Observations

Training Videos 

a.    Create a training videos for your staff

b.    Create a training videos for parents


Recorded or Live Stream Trainings or client sessions

a.    Record remote or live stream (w/ BCBA present) parent training sessions

b.    Record remote or live stream (w/ BCBA present) working with client (direct 1:1, groups)




Study Resources 2.0


ACE the BCBA Exam! Treasured Tips for Success